About Me

Amateur Photographer and part-time traveller. Travelled New York to San Francisco by car and train and back to NYC by train in August/September 2017. Returned to USA in March 2018 to see my girlfriend, Nancy whom I met on the train in September.

Don't forget to check out the Links to My Blogs (Winaladders Blogs) and the Blog Archive on the right hand side for more posts.

Monday, 31 August 2015

The Last Post

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to say that this is the last post of the Euro Rail Trip 2015. And I'm sorry to say there are no photos for this post. I had intended to take a photo of the last train I was on from Inverness to Forres when I arrived back this morning but it was the fifth train I had been on since leaving Berlin early yesterday morning and I was heading home by the time I remembered to take a photo.

This has been a great trip and I have met so many wonderful and interesting people. So many of you told me your names and I'm sorry to say that the only ones I have remembered are Jessica from Maine, USA and Martin from Vienna. Thank you to everyone else I met on the trip and thank you for all the stories you shared with me and for listening to my story.

Thanks to the all of the people who have been following my blog from around the world including Europe, North America, Australia and Indonesia.

As some of you know I will be embarking next year on a two month trip in an RV (that's a campervan to all you Brits) across the USA in late next year. I may even try to cross the border to Canada if they'll let me in, which they probably will as I've found on this trip that Canadians are really nice people.

I will be setting up a blog for the USA trip and there will be links on this and my other blogs to the USA trip.
The photos I posted on the blog are only a small portion of the photos I shot on the trip. Over the next week or so I will be posting additional trip photos on my website at www.winaladder.com

Thanks again everyone and good night.



  1. The manie on the trail :) Did you get this hiker dude ?? Davy Jones

    1. Hi Easy Rider, this is Hiker Dude. Not sure if you saw my email address on this page, anyway it's winaladder@gmail.com

