About Me

Amateur Photographer and part-time traveller. Travelled New York to San Francisco by car and train and back to NYC by train in August/September 2017. Returned to USA in March 2018 to see my girlfriend, Nancy whom I met on the train in September.

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Monday, 24 August 2015

Waltzing Vienna

Only one post from Vienna, so I've made it a big one.

Well, for all you lovers of waltz here's the master himself, Johan Strauss. There's going to be a theme running through today's post. Who can spot it first?

Whenever I am due to arrive in a city an army of workers rush round beforehand and cover any buildings I'm likely to photograph with scaffolding. You think I'm joking? Then read on. I tried to cover up the scaffolding on this church with the sculpture in front.

I thought I was lucky with this cathedral but no, the scaffolding is cunningly camouflaged with impressions of the building.

All over the centre of Vienna you have salesmen dressed in period costumes trying to sell tickets to concerts. Here a trio of girls have asked a salesman to take a picture outside the cathedral.

So far on this trip I have seen many of these horse carriage tourist rides but unfortunately the horses don't always looked well cared for. Here in Vienna the horses do look cared for.

Here are two horses getting ready for Ladies' day at Royal Ascot.

Even the carriage drivers look smart and they all wear bowler hats.

This building, St Peter's didn't look all that promising on the outside but at least there wasn't any scaffolding so I went inside.

...to be met by this spectacle. This is one of the most ornate churches I have seen in a long time.

And the dome was just as impressive.

While looking up a movement caught my eye and I could make out a workman with a vacuum cleaner on his back carrying out the very dangerous job of cleaning the dome ledge. I knew if I waited long enough I would get a better photo.

My patience paid off and he moved in front of the window and I had my title for this photo - 'The Hunchback of Saint Peter's'

Even the handles at the end of the pews are very ornate. Witness these carved cherubs.

So many of Vienna's public buildings are very white.

Here's a carving on the top of this building

Loved the Art Deco frontage on this Apotheke (Chemist) building

Loved this sign on a building. Not sure who he is supposed to be - a window cleaner perhaps?

And I loved this sign outside a newsagents which I think translates to 'Don't let your dog pee on my papers' but I could be wrong.

Any idea yet on today's theme?

I would love to find out how much it would cost to fill these two extinguishers with perfume.

This is the great-looking Chanel shop in Vienna.

This lovely fountain is at the end of an old arcade of shops.

And this is a close up of the fountain.

Another beautiful statue in Vienna.

Saw the top of this cathedral as I walked through a park only to reveal... yes, you guessed it, more scaffolding.

Anyone guessed today's theme yet? If you were thinking scaffolding you would be wrong. The answer is gold leaf. I have never seen so much gold adorn so many buildings in one city. This picture is actually of the fire station.

And here is today's final photo. Looks like the horse got fed up with carrying a rider around all day and threw the soldier off.

1 comment:

  1. Hi just caught up with your blogs, I am so so jealous , everywhere looks fab and the photos are no half bad too!
